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CBD Oil: The Compassionate Use program has expanded since its inception to include many chronic conditions other than epilepsy. CBD Oil obtained through the Compassionate Care program is legal in Texas. Because this program is regulated through the Department of Public Safety, if it is used in schools, we must follow the exact same processes to keep all participants legally safe.


  1. Parents must sign a Medication Authorization Form.

  2. Prescribing MD must be listed on the TX registry:

  3. CBD Oil must be from an approved dispensary :

  4. Bottle must have student name and prescribing physician, and must match the dosing card and/or MD dosing instructions (on MD letterhead).

  5. Dosing changes only require a new MD note/pharmacy dosing card IF the CBD Oil ratio remains the same.

  6. Ask for list of side effects from prescribing physician that are a) expected and normal, and b) require immediate MD notification

  7. Ask for a list of criteria the prescribing physician needs to determine if the CBD Oil is effective.

Qualifying diagnoses:

Epilepsy, a seizure disorder, multiple sclerosis, spasticity, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, terminal cancer, or an incurable neurodegenerative disease

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